Discover precisely what your skin needs and reveal your most radiant skin yet.
Quit playing the guessing game! Spruce Micro has revolutionized skincare by offering personalized protocols with proven results. Join the thousands of women who have learned how to take control of their skin without ever visiting our clinic!
Based in the US? We can lead you to the best skin of your life - are you ready to be our next success story? We're ready when you are.


face it.
"We've all been told the same story: 'Here's one little bottle that will fix all of your problems.' Most of us are tired of overpromised and underdelivered treatments. Lasers and quick treatments don't work. It will come back. I know how to get rid of it and keep it gone."
Dawn Jett, Spruce Micro Founder
What Does Treatment Look Like?
Our Approach
Work 1:1 with the Spruce Micro team to reveal your most radiant skin yet! Through virtual or in-clinic consultations, we can create and optimize your perfect skincare protocols to get the results you're after—fast.
Skin health and achieving results is SO much more than purchasing a product or being told what to do.
Spruce Micro coaches you along the way and makes sure that you know not only the "What?", but also the "Why?" and "How?" of getting the skin you deserve.
It all starts with your free consultation call - ready to book?
A Personalized Approach
Ready to transform your skin with complete guidance?
It's the ONLY way you'll know how to navigate the process.
We don't throw products at you and say, "Good luck!"... We guide you step by step through the process.
On your free consultation call, we'll talk through processes and expectations, building you a bespoke skincare package that matches your needs.
Don't hesitate. Click the button below and schedule your complimentary onboarding call with Spruce Micro today!